M1S_3180 (2021_12_30 04_01_25 UTC)

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Event Horizon Farm is a small, purpose-built equestrian facility located on Lord Hill, near Snohomish, Washington. Dave and Marla Hamilton Lucas opened the facility in 2005 to allow them to keep and train their horses at home.


The horsepower is supplied by Marla’s horse, Spring Fling, and Dave’s horse, Quidans de Ruisseau Z, aka Dan. Spring is a 2001 15.3h white Canadian Sport Horse mare and Dan is a 2007 Zangescheide chestnut gelding.


Event Horizon Farm is very fortunate to be located near Farpoint Farm and Denise Youell. Denise provides the direction and vision for EHF, along with individual training programs tailored to each of us and new challenges every week to improve and ready us for the next show season.

While showing in Canada, we train with one of the best, Cheryl Keith, and her daughter, Kassidy, at Keepsake Farm in Langley Township, British Columbia, Canada.


In designing the farm, attention was paid to sight lines, stormwater runoff, access and ease of use. The Snohomish Conservation District sponsored a tour of the facility for other horse owners to gather ideas on how to improve their stables.

In February 2007, the Snohomish Conservation District recognized Event Horizon Farm as a 2006 Merit Farm for environmentally friendly horse keeping and selected Event Horizon Farm as Small Farm Cooperators of the Year for 2006.

In 2010, we applied to Sound Horsekeeping and were recognized as meeting criteria to protect nearby streams and habitat.